Find Your Furry Companion on BearMingle

Stop letting dangerous men in your apartment, find something far less dangerous and... bearable.
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Why Bears Make Better Companions

Bears are simple, straightforward, and don't require small talk. Here's why they might just be better than dating men:

  • Predictable Hibernation Cycles: Know when they're going to be out of commission (a perfect time for a spa day).
  • They love pets: They'll love your pets so much you will have to keep buying more!
  • No Fashion Faux Pas: Always rocking the fur coat – it’s timeless.
  • No SA: Bears have sexually assaulted exactly zero women, making them far safer than your average man.
  • Honest Intentions: They’re very upfront about wanting that honey (or picnic basket).
Ready to meet a partner who is bear-y special? Swipe right on BearMingle.

Our bears are waiting for you!



Meet Harry,

Harry is a fun-loving bear who enjoys long walks in the forest and picnics by the river. He's looking for a human who shares his love for honey and adventure. Swipe right to meet Harry!

Meet Chase,

Chase loves to hang out in water and fish. He's looking for a human who enjoys the great outdoors and doesn't mind getting a little wet. Swipe right to meet Chase!

Chase Salmon

Chase Salmon


Sir Cuddlesworth

Meet Sir Cuddlesworth,

Not your typical American Black Bear, SC is a sophisticated bear who enjoys long naps and owns his owner dumpster diving company. He's looking for a human who appreciates the finer things in life. Swipe right to meet SC!

Meet Arctic,

Arctic is a polar bear who enjoys the cold weather and ice fishing. He's looking for a human who can keep up with his active lifestyle and doesn't mind the chill. Swipe right to meet Arctic!


Frequently Asked Questions
Are these bears really looking for love?
Absolutely! Our bears are screened for their beariness. They're just looking for a human to share their honey and salmon with, surely.
Can I meet a bear in person?
Well, you're going to get left alone in the woods with him, so sure!
What if I fall in love with a bear?
If you're capable of pair bonding anymore, which is debatable, then you'll probably fall in love with one of our bears here on BearMingle and that's just ok.
Is BearMingle safe?
Exactly zero women have been sexually assaulted by a bear. In fact, no bear has ever been involved with a variety of crimes including like embezzlement or robbery.
What do bears do for fun?
They like long walks in the woods, picnics, and fishing. They're just like you, but with fur!
How can I best interact with my bear match?
Sending bear emojis and virtual salmon is a great start. Keep the conversation light and bear-y funny to maintain a delightful interaction on BearMingle.

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